Complejo Militar Industrial Occidental Bajo Presión

🗣 ANALISIS 20-JUN-2024  COMPLEJO MILITAR INDUSTRIAL🔻Estados Unidos está priorizando el envío de defensa aérea para Ucrania sobre otros países, esta será una ventana crítica para los proxies iraníes tales como los hutíes, el hezbolá y resistencia iraquí para incrementar sus esfuerzos no convencionales y ataques aéreos contra Israel, mientras que la resistencia palestina no cede…

Moscow Terror Attack

🇷🇺Crocus City Hall Terror Attack in Moscow 🔻ISIS claimed responsability of the attack through the Al-Amaq news agency. Some of the features,137 dead as a result l from the terror attack on Moscow’s Crocus City Hall music venue , three of them are children and 180 people were injured. According to TASS, four combat gear…

Guerra Ucrania 12-AGO-2023

Guerra de Ucrania 12-AGO-2023Después de meses de intensos combates, AFU logró algunos avances tácticos en la línea Robotyne-Verbove. Parecen decididos a romper esa línea. Si logran atravesar esta línea, significará que la primera línea de defensa rusa se ha roto. Rusia está desplegando fuerzas adicionales en esta área.En el sector de Kupyansk, las autoridades ucranianas…

Los rusos son brutos y borrachos

🇷🇺🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇸Analysis.Western media made people believe that Russians were a bunch of drunken idiots fighting with shovels and had no technology. This was highly beneficial for Russia in the long term as no one seems to be able to explain why the counteroffensive is failing and why sanctions hurt more Europe than Russia itself. This will…

Análisis Guerra Rusia Ucrania

Analysis⚡Time is the most valued Russian war asset. The more it holds the line, the better. According to current variables, we may be on a tipping point in favour of Russia outside the battlefield. Análisis⚡El tiempo es el activo de guerra ruso más valioso.  Cuanto más mantenga la línea, mejor.  Según las variables actuales, podemos…

Análisis Contraofensiva Ucraniana

🇷🇺🇺🇦Analysis.If Ukraine is unable to punch through Russian line of defense before winter, the offensive actions will become very difficult due to changes in terrain. Support from the West and western public opinion will surely drop, and there will be more pressure on Zelensky to initiate peace talks.

Rusia acumulando gente y material cerca de Kupyansk

🇷🇺🇺🇦Russia is putting a lot of pressure on the Kupyansk front, forcing Ukraine to allocate more resources in the area. «The enemy has gathered a very powerful group of forces – more than 100,000 personnel, over 900 tanks, over 555 artillery systems, and 370 multiple-launch rocket systems – on the Lyman-Kupiansk axis. Serhii Cherevatyi, spokesman…

Wagner PMC en Bielorusia

🇧🇾🎻Maxar Satellite images (July 14 and 16), show the Wagner PMC tent camp in the village of Tsel near Osipovichi, Belarus. Images shared by the New York Times. Las imágenes del satélite Maxar (14 y 16 de julio) muestran el campamento de Wagner PMC en el pueblo de Tsel, cerca de Osipovichi, Bielorusia. Imágenes compartidas…

Ucrania ataca Crimea con UAV

🇷🇺🇺🇦🚨Kiev regime carried out a terrorist attack using 28 unmanned aerial vehicles on objects in Crimea was thwarted .17 UAVs were destroyed by air defense systems.11 UAVs were suppressed by electronic warfare (EW). El régimen de Kiev llevó a cabo un ataque terrorista utilizando 28 vehículos aéreos no tripulados contra Crimea sin éxito.17 UAV fueron…

Killnet Hack Europa

🚨🇷🇺Los piratas informáticos rusos han anunciado un poderoso ataque al sistema financiero occidental en las próximas 48 horas. La tarea número uno es paralizar el SWIFT. Russian hackers have announced a powerful attack on the Western financial system in the next 48 hours. Task number one is to stop the work of SWIFT.