Moscow Terror Attack

🇷🇺Crocus City Hall Terror Attack in Moscow 🔻ISIS claimed responsability of the attack through the Al-Amaq news agency. Some of the features,137 dead as a result l from the terror attack on Moscow’s Crocus City Hall music venue , three of them are children and 180 people were injured. According to TASS, four combat gear…


🇺🇸🇨🇳#US #CHINA‼️Two very important separated and «unrelated» facts : 🔻JANUARY 2ND, 2024: The aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford will head back to its homeport of Norfolk, Virginia, after its first combat deployment in the #MediterraneanSea, an eight-month cruise that began on May 2. 🔻JANUARY 1ST, 2024: New satellite images taken on January 1 by…


🇦🇷⚠️🧪F-16 CONTAINS HYDRAZINEHydrazine is a colorless liquid that feeds the electrical systems and the EPU (Emergency Power Unit). It is extremely toxic inflammable chemical and it is extremely dangerous for humans. The Danish F-16 aircraft that wants to be shoved in Argentina are 40 years old. The older, the easier an accident or leak can…


***Originally published by SAEEG (Argentine Society of Global and Strategic Studies) on October 26, 2023*** 5th generation warfare: information and propaganda.The Hamas Public Relations campaign is working, they have been able to overcome the West, their well oiled propaganda machine, and all their money and intelligence agencies. The West is chasing the carrot, and constantly…

Guerra Israel-Hamas. Información y Propaganda

Guerra Hamas-Israel Guerra de 5ª generación: Información y propaganda. La campaña de relaciones públicas de Hamas está funcionando, han podido superar a Occidente,a su maquinaría comunicacional, todo su dinero y agencias de inteligencia. Occidente está persiguiendo la zanahoria desde atrás, y reaccionan constantemente a las jugadas de Hamas. No está siendo proactivo, está siendo reactivo.…

The Israeli war and its Geopolitical implications

***RAW. NOT FINAL VERSION*** DUE TO THE NATURE OF THE CONFLICT WE ARE MAKING THIS ARTICLE AVAILABLE NOW, FINAL VERSION COMING SOON. ARESINFOSERVICE Both Al-Qassam and Al-Quds look ready and expecting heavy urban combat. If Israel storms Gaza, it will be a great moment for Hezbollah to open a second front in the north. Intense…

Malvinas Petróleo Offshore

🇬🇧🇦🇷🚨🇮🇱Malvinas Petróleo Offshore:Desarrollo «Sea Lion» Fase 1 y 2 costa afuera (off shore) de las Islas Malvinas en 2024.Compañías: Rockhopper (Inglaterra🇬🇧) 35% de participación y Navitas Petroleum (Israel🇮🇱) 65% de participación y empresa operadora18 pozos en primera fase.5 pozos fase dos.Tasa de producción: 80.000-100.000 bbls/d Malvinas Off shore Oil: «Sea Lion» Phase 1 and 2…

Guerra Ucrania 12-AGO-2023

Guerra de Ucrania 12-AGO-2023Después de meses de intensos combates, AFU logró algunos avances tácticos en la línea Robotyne-Verbove. Parecen decididos a romper esa línea. Si logran atravesar esta línea, significará que la primera línea de defensa rusa se ha roto. Rusia está desplegando fuerzas adicionales en esta área.En el sector de Kupyansk, las autoridades ucranianas…

Los rusos son brutos y borrachos

🇷🇺🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇸Analysis.Western media made people believe that Russians were a bunch of drunken idiots fighting with shovels and had no technology. This was highly beneficial for Russia in the long term as no one seems to be able to explain why the counteroffensive is failing and why sanctions hurt more Europe than Russia itself. This will…